Hey Buckaroo Babes....
I wanted to take the time to introduce myself...and not just give you the ole Hi my name is and I'm from...REALLY introduce myself!
Lets start from the beginning...have I always loved fashion? Yes, but I wasn't like so crazy about it, that I dreamed of designing and wanted my life to revolve around clothing everyday. I was more like, oh I love that and need that and wanna start wearing this even if its not a BIG deal at the time kind of girl! I was born in Colorado, I am a true Colorado girl at heart. What in the world does that mean you ask? That means, I love seasons...trees...rivers...I can be sweet but tough all at once. I grew up showing sheep for 4-H..yep 11 years strong! Whoot! I also rode horses and was blessed to play any sport I wanted to try, like Volleyball, Cross Country, Track and Dance Team...if you know me personally you know I LOVE TO DANCE!! I moved to Nevada in 2007 with my now hubby! The Nevada area is now my home and love. This is where I started to learn about the "Buckaroo" lifestyle and was amazed by everything I saw and have learned! After many peaceful and amazing years married (Like the peaceful and amazing part...haha!) we have been blessed with three wild boys! We now live on and operate a beautiful ranch in Northeastern Nevada where we are blessed to run some of our own cows and small heard of sheep...yes I LOVE sheep!

So I'm a ranch wife...I am the free labor that my husband uses to the core! I love the lifestyle and feel blessed to have it! I have learned sooooo much over the years and not just from my husband! I mean...when I met him and we started dating, I was introduced to his family and friends. And let me say...I thought I could really ride and all that jazz...wow! I couldn't even swing a rope! I have some of the most talented people in my life that have taught me a thing or two about this whole Buckaroo life! Now I wanna stop here...I am by no means an amazing rider..roper or anything to that extent! Lets think back here, in the 11 years I have been around this lifestyle...for 8 years...I have been pregnant, nursing or just tending to the little humans in my life! I feel like I have had to retrain myself after each child, the funny thing is after a year of being pregnant..then nursing..when my husband would give me "the look" like go get your horse, its your turn to rope in the branding trap...ahhhhh...scared the crap out me....STILL DOES! That can be our secret though! LOL! But..I have learned a lot in the branding trap..I have learned to humble myself and how not to wanna hang myself with my rope when I cant catch anything!!
So can I tell you what I love the most about the ranch lifestyle...hopefully I haven't bored you completely to death by now...but its being able to work hand and hand with my husband...yes you heard correctly! HAHA! Things may get a little crazy once we get around a 4 legged animal...he may (or may not...he wont admit it) take me with him to "check things" so I can open gates...hey I'm one heck of a gate opener man...BUT I LOVE it all! I feel like I am so blessed to learn daily from a man like him (and lets face it, teach him some things to that he pry wouldn't admit that were "my idea")...but we get to work together...learn together....get no sleep together..and most of all laugh together!! So for all you ranch wifeys out there...heres to you...the on call equipment operator...the official gate getter...the Vet assistant...on call supply getter...the diaper changer...the lunch prepper for those unexpected guests! You are the bossbabe...you are the sweet sound that is yelling across the corral because you don't wanna be the human fence you were asked to be! You my sister are one fierce...one tough...one soothing...one well rounded chick! I know it might not seem like a lot to be the one standing outside the branding trap watching, tending to the kids and fixing lunch or the one always running to get what he might have forgotten, but let me tell you...that matters...that matters to me, because I have been there and so have most! I know we don't get killer pictures posted of the shots we made to save a child before they ate something they weren't supposed to or gathering the millions of outside toys that we brought to keep our kids somewhat entertained...but dang it...it counts for a lot!
So I guess I started this little blog wanting to talk about myself...well not really..HAHA! But so you all could get to know me...but really its getting to know any ranch wife out there! When I'm home, I am in a hat...lately manly overalls and the cutest thing I might have on are my earrings. But when I come to town, I LOVE to dress up and wear fun things...so I guess that's what Buckaroo Boutique is! It represents me! Not afraid to get dirty and work hard wearing manly overalls and guy hats ...but loving to wear something when we dress up that no one else would! So when you shop Buckaroo Boutique...keep in mind that you are helping to promote this crazy life we call the ranch life...and you are supporting a ranch family!
Thanks for reading...I hope I entertained you in some way...and I hope you just find the joy in your life...whatever your lifestyle may be!
May God bless you...may you find love in everything you do and may you wear something no one else wants to!
-Thaysha Groves
Buckaroo Boutique
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