Monday, September 26, 2016

The real Buckaroo Boutique Photoshoots....

Many of you know I have 3 wild boys...they mostly work with me! Whether it's in the BB office or even my super professional photo shoots! Haha..professional is not quite the word! So my topic for this post...

The real BB Photoshoots! 

Sometimes, I have models come to my office and take pictures with my goodies on!  These have been pretty much low key when it involves my kiddos....they play and I try to take the best photos I can before they can get too bored! I have taken many pictures with my baby in one arm while I'm trying to balance my heavy camera in the other! Moms really amaze me by what they can do with one hand! 

And let's face it...all models like the scream of a cranky baby in the background! Who doesn't like that! Really helps to set the mood for the pic! 

But my latest adventure has been my Solo Photoshoots out at our ranch! When my husband can...he acts as my photographer! He has told me...never thought I would be taking pics of clothing! Well..honey life brings many surprises! Most the time when I use him as my BB photographer, he gets work exchanged for it! Once I helped move the excavator in heels on the way back from our mini photo shoot! 

But when he isn't's all me! I know your thinking the heck is she managing 3 kids..setting a timer and getting a usable picture?! I say usable because I don't think it's some of the best model pics out there! Haha! 

So let's set the mood of a real life BB photo shoot! 

Mid day...wind is usually blowing about 30 miles an hour. It's days that I have showered and went to town all morning...because who wants to shower and dress up on days you don't really have too! Baby is usually sleeping in the house! Afternoon nap time! 
I get all excited and start playing dress up! Makeup..and fun hair! Even lip stick sometimes! Then I get to put my outfit together! Yeah..pulling items from my closest I rarely get the opportunity to wear because when in the heck does my ranch life call for heels and bright lipstick!? So after the bold makeup and crazy..well crazier hair than my day to day style..and half the bottle of hair spray..because remember the wind is blowing about 30+ miles an hour...I pack my "model bag" which consists of well tons of jewelry...tops I have to model and hair spray! Then I head out to find a spot not too far from the house cause the baby is sleeping! Finally alone..some quiet time for Mom..I set my timer on my camera or phone..whichever has more battery life at the time and it's time to be fierce! Haha...what ever the heck that means! Snapping pics as the wind is just blowing and blowing...then finally a good break of wind and I know this is my best pic yet...

Where the heck did they come from?!